Come personalizzare
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How to customize a blessing video?
First, edit the text you want to display on the blackboard and keep it as brief as possible.
Then provide one to two photos of your friends.
Then provide the music you want to play.
Finally, register Alipay and transfer money by using Alipay’s cross-border remittance.
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Our Product
Experience the Joy of Birthday Blessings from Africa: Personalized Greeting Video from Africa
Do you want to give your loved one a special surprise?
We focus on creating charming birthday greeting videos that will leave a lasting impression on your friends and family.
e-mail transferWhether it’s birthday, proposal, gratitude, Father’s Day, Mother’s Day, or any other special occasion, we are here to seize your opportunity!
Benvenuti alle benedizioni dell'Africa!Vuoi trovare un modo speciale per augurare buon compleanno ai tuoi amici e parenti? Sei nel posto giusto!Benedizioni dall'Africa ti offre una raccolta unica di video di auguri di compleanno disponibili in Africa. I nostri auguri ispirano e forniscono un modo vivace e colorato per esprimere il tuo apprezzamento e il tuo amore.
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